We finally got the car back out to practice last Friday at Willamette Speedway after sitting another year which was frustrating. We didn’t change the gear as we were just making sure we had the overheating fixed up so had to take it a bit easy. Seems like we finally figured it out, but we will see at the first race we get in at Banks.

Yuge thanks to Chad Peterson for coming up and helping out. We were really hoping to get a race in and were ready to swap gears but didn’t realize they weren’t running A-Mods that weekend for whatever reason. Oh well, we’ll try again May 6th since this weekend looks like rain, rain, and more rain. Hope to bring Chad back up later in the year 😀.

Also, thanks to Jerry Buesig for taking time to help us set up the new carburetor over the phone.

We didn’t get the GoPro in but got some outside shots thanks to Alanna. We’ll hopefully have all the video shit ready for the first race as well 😉.